dear ProfessGuide!
We are very excited to have you as a member of our amazing team of professionals who want to share a DAY in their job routine and career experience!
Below you will find:
Record a video, share experience!
Our Mission
We are inspired by the greatest problem for high school students and the older “seekers” that they don’t know what exactly they want as a professional career. The most common reasons for this confusion are due to the interest of the young people in either everything or just nothing. In both cases, they NEED more information about certain professions. Maybe their dream job is somewhere there, but it isn’t from the movie directors’ favorite ones or worse – it appears on the screen, but not as it is in reality.
As a ProfessGuide,
You are invited to record a free-style video about your career and your daily routine, sharing details that a person out of that profession would never know. Present your job in the best way – make it stand out in comparison to other jobs. Share your experience, don’t forget about the cons, be honest.
While presenting you will be like a teacher and a Guide! You know the path, the path which you took to reach your current professional destination. Maybe someone else needs just that little bit to take the first step which you once took to get here.
As a guide, you will have your own mini page on the website. It consists of three major parts:
Video: “A Day in the Life of a __________ (your profession)”
Written Part: Some information about the guide: school and university graduation, education, projects, achievements (as much as the job allows you to share);
Comments: There will be an option for the “seekers” to leave comments and to ask questions, and it would be great if you look at them and answer;

Guiding Questions
Video Plan:
Here are some ideas for the video. You can use it as a plan. (Length~ 5-10 min.)
Include your PRESENT in a shot!

How to shoot the perfect video?
No general statements! Say something that CANNOT be read in Wikipedia.
How is your job's creativity different from the one of the doctor or designer?
Show your workplace if possible. What do you do there?
Many details!
No direct answers to the questions above.
Let your friends/colleagues take part in the video too.
If possible, share some of your current work/projects/tasks.
You can record many shorter videos and contact us for support/help. The whole product will be returned back.
As a Guide, you get the option to publish your own "page." It will be saved as a draft when submitted. You could contact us, and just send the information and we will make the page for you.
We check all the drafts, and if everything is ok, post them.
You should write some basic information about yourself that will be presented in the description of the video.
All the Seekers will have access to your video and information.
In your post include:
- Name (& age:))
- Job details (at least the name of the company)
- Work experience
- Education
- Appeal to Seekers
Your Privileges
ProfessGuide Certificate
A Special ProfessGuide Cup (to include in the video)
The RIGHT to see profile information of the seekers interested in your professional sphere
Updates on the worldwide changes in your professional sphere